OtherHalf In The News

TD Bank made a generous donation of $5,000 to Otherhalf – Chinese Stem Cell Initiative.

Calling all youths age 17 to 35! Register and help Safe a Life at Bubble Tea Festival (July 22-23) at Burnaby’s Swangard Stafium
Calling all youths age 17 to 35! Register and help Safe a Life at Bubble Tea Festival (July 22-23) at Burnaby’s Swangard Stafium

OtherHalf donates $60,000 to support two important stem cell programs
OtherHalf donates $60,000 to support two important stem cell programs Over the past two years when the pandemic made it impossible to conduct in-person Stem Cell Registration events, OtherHalf has

A place where start new life with peace
It is a well-known fact that when any discussion on lead generation takes place, quality conquers over the measure. Though it is clearly known fact that people do not like